Koh Mak: Pure Bliss 

Thailand is a beautiful country but unfortunately most of its tropical beaches and islands have been over saturated with tourists and tourists facilities. Almost everywhere, there are now many resorts, tons of restaurants and bar and lots of party places. A couple weeks ago, I found a place I did not think would still exist […]

Wreck Diving in Koh Chang: HTMS CHANG

carlotta arona scuba diving

After diving in some of the best diving destinations in the world, I would have not thought about scuba diving in Koh Chang. In Koh Chang, Dom and I were meeting Alfred, a friend of Dom’s he had not seen for few years. Alfred really wanted to do some dives, so we decided to research the area to see what was really worth diving. To our surprise we found out about a wreck dive that had not been there three year ago, when we last visited the island. HTMS CHANG WRECK The ship was sunk two years ago for the purpose of scuba diving in November 2012. HTMS Chang is now the largest ship wreck in Thailand. It has increased the diving tourism of the area, making it a sought after spot for wreck lovers. […]

Koh Chang

Koh Chang or Island of the Elephant is a beautiful piece of paradise in eastern Thailand near the border with Cambodia. It lies in the Golf of Thailand. Second largest island after Phuket, it offers a little bit of everything for everybody. Beautiful quiet beaches, well equipped areas for families and crazy spot for party […]